Erosion Control

Filter Socks:

Our filter socks are some of the most affordable on the market. They are sold in rolls and shrink wrapped on pallets, with the stakes included. 

We also make the socks on site and inplace for your company. Saving you time and money.

Types include:

Biodegradable: (lasts 6 months after installation) available in 8 in. diameter, 150 ft. in length

Heavy Duty: available in 8in/150ft OR 12in/85ft

Standard Duty: available in 8in/150ft OR 12in/85ft OR 15in/45ft

We also offer other sizes!

12'' and 18" in biodegrable.

12-24" standard or heavy duty.

Filler material is D.E.P. approved!




We also supply and can install: 


        Erosion Netting

        Straw Netting

        Erosion Fencing


      Straw Blowing





              We are capable of on-site erosion sock installations

                                       (some limitations apply)

                    Contact Us For Prices at (412)487-5191









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AarMark Land Management
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Phone: 412-487-5191